Photo Enlargements & Canvas Prints

Frequently Asked Questions

This page is a collection of common questions that are asked from time to time. If you do not find the information you are looking for here, be sure to contact us and we will help find the answers you need!

How long will it take to receive my order?
Most orders for prints only (not custom framing) are shipped within 1-3 business days from the moment your order is completed. Please allow at least 7-10 business days for custom frames or stretched canvas wraps to be constructed, since we do not carry prefabricated, plastic, or snap-together frames. Gallery-wrapped canvas prints and picture frames are custom-cut from wood in our facility and then carefully assembled. Processing time varies depending on the materials and delivery method selected. Rush service is available for those wishing to meet a certain deadline.
What file formats are supported by the online tools?
Our online uploading and proofing system can process and display the following file formats:
  • JPG (Preferred for photographs)
  • GIF, PNG (Preferred for text or chart graphics)
  • TIF (LZW-compressed only, please)
  • Limited support for many other formats, such as PSD, PDF, and others (Experimental)
What resolution should my images be?
This depends on how large you want your print to be. Most users will prefer a DPI of at least 72 dots per inch at the printed size. This means that, when the image is printed, there are 72 pixels per linear inch of information to print from. Resolution is different from file size, which can be very small even if the resolution is high, or very large even if the resolution is low. When using our online tools, you will be able to view a preview that can accurately demonstrate the level of resolution you can expect from your final print.
What is the maximum size file I can send?
The online tool restrict each file to a maximum of 10 megabytes. To determine the size of your file in Windows, you can right-click the image and select Properties. Although each file cannot exceed 10MB, the total size of all files uploaded can be up to 100MB.
I uploaded a file, but I did not order it, and now it's gone. How can I get it back?
Sorry, unused files are destroyed after your session ends.
What is your policy on reproducing copyrighted materials?
Many of our clients are professional photographers and artists who hold copyrights to their works. We respect the intellectual property of others. Our online ordering system will not allow you to place an order without first confirming that you are lawfully able to reproduce the works you have submitted. Please carefully review our terms of service agreement which must be read and accepted before placing an order with WizardPrints.
Can you touch up my photo before printing it?
Absolutely! We can create photographic effects, remove dust and scratches, create sepia (monochrome) effects, and much more! When ordering, look for the digital photo editing option under More Options, check the checkbox, and indicate the changes you would like us to make to your image prior to printing. Our graphics professionals will modify your image and send you a digital proof for your approval. Send us an email if you have a question!
The online tools don't seem to work for me!
Our online tools should be compatible with most all modern browsers. Our website has been exhaustively tested with Mozilla Firefox, which is the recommended browser, although Internet Explorer is also supported. If you are having trouble, please verify the following:
  • Cookies are enabled:  This allows our website to remember which uploaded files belong to you
  • JavaScript is enabled:  Basic scripting is required to place orders, change options, and more
Both of these options are usually enabled by default, as most all modern websites require one or both of these features in order to function properly.
I have a painting or a large photograph I need reproduced. Can you scan it for me?
We offer hardcopy scanning services for a nominal fee. Please insure your artwork with your chosen carrier, carefully package and ship the original to our physical address and we will return it with your order.
Can you guarantee a color match?
Computer hardware varies substantially — specifically, monitors and displays — even among the same exact models. It would be impossible for us to claim that a digital image displayed on your screen will match our screen, let alone our printed reproduction. However, we do utilize advanced color profiling and matching software to yield the most accurate reproductions possible. If your project requires exact color matching, you will need to purchase a physical proof to ensure that the finished product matches your desired output.
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